Styptorem Tablet - Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine for Wonderfull Hemostatic Action
Styptorem Tablet is herbal remedy to control bleeding and is used to treat problems associated with bleeding like bleeding disorder, rakt strav, raktapitta etc. Styptorem works by stopping the clots from breaking down and so reduces the unwanted bleeding.
Styptorem Tablet - Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine for Wonderfull Hemostatic Action
Herbal Hemostatic tablet.
Packing 60 Tablets
Bleeding disorder
Ingredients: Mukta shukti bhasm, Abhrak bhasm, Swarna makshik bhasm, Loh bhasm, Chandrakal ras, Ashok ext., Amla ext., Lodhra ext., Etc.
#Raktapitta, #raktstrav, #bleeding_disorder, #Hemophilia.